Redactle Unlimited
Hurdle 2
Redactle Unlimited
Connections Game
Mini Crossword
32 Wordle
Word Hurdle
Hurdle 2

Hurdle 2

Hurdle 2

Hurdle 2


Hurdle 2 is an intriguing guessing word game that challenges players to find a five-letter hidden word in a limited number of attempts. Hurdle 2 is a game where players try to identify the five-letter secret word within eight attempts. Each attempt must use a genuine five-letter phrase. It's amazing, isn't it? Hurdle 2, the game that has so many benefits, is available to you immediately.

Wordleverse is a collection of games that will appeal to Hocus Focus fans. Happy!


- Daily puzzles are updated. 

- Numerous characteristics imply player support.

- Simple guidelines for everybody.


1. Guessing the Word: To start, you input a five-letter guess. Your guess must include only true letters that add up to five significant letters.

2. Clues: The game gives you hints to help you assess the correctness of your guesses after each guess. The quantity of right characters and their places are shown in colored boxes that serve as these hints.

-Green Box: The amount of right characters in the right places is shown by the green box. This demonstrates that these characters are present in the right locations as well as being a part of the secret word.

-Yellow Box: The yellow box indicates how many right characters are misplaced. Although these characters exist in the concealed word, they are not where you would expect them to be.

Note that the hints given are distinct for each letter and do not reveal whether particular letters are right or wrong. They only provide data on the total number of accurate characters and their placements.

3. Repeated Letters: The secret word can have repeated letters. The hints given do not, however, specify whether specific characters are right or repeated. Only the total number of accurate characters and their locations are revealed by the clues.

4. Limited Chances: You have up to eight chances to identify the secret word correctly. You must strategy and consider the hints in order to make accurate predictions within the provided limit due to this limitation.

5. Daily Puzzles: The Hurdle game offers players a new challenge every day with a brand-new problem. This function guarantees that you may regularly participate in wordplay and appreciate a range of problems throughout time.

6. Puzzle Sharing: After finishing a puzzle, you have the option of posting it on social media. You may then challenge others and ask them to complete the same problem in order to celebrate your success.

Game Difficulty: Hurdle is regarded as a more difficult version of the Wordle game. The game's difficulty is increased by the restricted number of tries and the presence of hints regarding right characters in the incorrect placements. This calls for rigorous deduction, logical reasoning, and the capacity to assess and decipher the given cues.

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